Santa Margarita Gun Club

SMGC Work Party Number 2 Oct. 26, 2019 Announcement

Friends and Members of the Santa Margarita Gun Club:

All of the club’s range assets and conex boxes were moved onto the R213 and R214 complex and with the completion of Work Party Number 1 in September, the conex boxes and their contents are now squared away.  The 2nd Work Party is now scheduled to complete our task to get ready to conduct regular rifle and pistol matches. The other Club’s Work Party No. 2. (Target Repair and Target Rebuilding) for the club’s Normal Paper Targets, will be held on Saturday Oct. 26, 2019.

If we can get EVERY Available person to come out and donate a few hours of your time we can get this portion of the much needed club work party done very quickly and within a few hours.  There is an old saying, “With many hands makes small work”.

So this is what is planned for the club’s Work Party No. 2. (Target Repair and Target Rebuilding)

Saturday October 26, 2019

START TIME: 0900 (9:00 AM)

END TIME: 1500 (3:00 PM)

As a reminder, please do not wear shorts for this Work Party.  Range Control definitely does not want us in Violation of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) policy and long trousers is part of this requirement.  Please bring your work gloves and hydration items (water, Camelback, etc.) too. 

All Long Range Targets are already DONE.  Mid-Range, GSM, XTC and Pistol Targets are left to work on.

a.  Removal of all Target Frames within the Conex Boxes (which have been ID to be repaired or new targets placed onto them) .  Majority of the work will be primarily  done on R213 (Pistol Range) . 

b.  Target Frames examined and determined if new Target backing is needed on them or not.

c. Target Frames separated into different stacks: (By Yard lines and by) , REFACE or REBUILD

IF SOMEONE IS UNABLE TO PHYSICALLY PERFORM THE DUTIES OF THE WORK PARTY,  Please contact me directly.  The club is also in need of personnel to update the club’s website material for each Discipline.  So if you’re better with your mind than body, WE CAN STILL USE YOUR Talent and HELP!