Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

Results from SMGC Practical Precision Rifle Match October 13

The Oct 13 PPR match results have been posted on the Match Results page in PDF.

I hope all shooters enjoyed the match, we had some pretty decent weather – not to hot, not too windy for shooting. Thanks to Beau Winn for designing the COF for Sunday’s Match and a big thanks for all the marines coming out to shoot on their day off. Also a big thanks to Serge, George, Beau Juan and Mike for being squad moms for the match we appreciate the help.

For anyone interested, SDPRC will be hosting a national level match next weekend at the Pala range. It should be quite a show if you have time to go out there.

– Mike Jones

October 27 GSM and XTC Matches

Note on Practiscore: The default charge is $10 (military).  When shooter registration is approved, the balance due is charged $10 for club members or $20 for non-members. This is a limitation of Practiscore.

For GSM here is the link for general registration:

All registration notifications will go to Jeff so he knows who has signed up.

For medics and range staff only – here is the comped link for GSM:

For XTC general registration link:

All registration notifications will go to Harry so he knows who has signed up.

For medics and range staff only – here is the comped link:

The Match Program for the GSM and XTC matches are available for download in PDF.

Club Update – 01 Oct 2019

I just wanted to take a minute to shout out a huge “THANK YOU” to all of you who showed up at the first club work party.  You all put in a lot of hard work in a very short time and it is TRULY APPRECIATED by myself and the rest of the BoD and Club Officers.

A special shout out to Jim Jiao who happened to take some photos too.  I especially wanted to personally thank my fellow Marines (present and past) for pitching in, along with my fellow Armed Forces Veterans! 

When we all left  the range, we should have all had a good feeling of  accomplishment in getting our Mission Completed and finished early to boot!  So again I just wanted to say GREAT JOB BY ALL!!!!

As we look forward to our next SMGC events (a 2700 Pistol Match on Oct 20th, our GSM/XTC Match on Oct. 27) and our future (Target Building/Repair) Work Party No. 2 (on Oct 26), I hope you spread the word to your fellow shooters, Marines, service members and friends that we are on our way to bringing Great Competitive Shooting back to MCB Camp Pendleton because of your help!!  As a reminder, we are still looking for medical persons for each of the disciplines and persons who would be interested in becoming RSO’s.  Those who already know a lot about the Electronic Target Systems (Shot Maker and Silver Mountain) we will also need your expertise when those E-Targets come in and we start using them at our club events.

Thank You Again, Semper Fidelis and God Bless you all!

MGySgt, USMCR (Retired)
MCDSA Board of Governors
Senior Officer, Fountain Valley P.D. (Retired)
SMGC Vice President, Board of Directors

SMGC Work Party Number 2 Oct. 26, 2019 Announcement

Friends and Members of the Santa Margarita Gun Club:

All of the club’s range assets and conex boxes were moved onto the R213 and R214 complex and with the completion of Work Party Number 1 in September, the conex boxes and their contents are now squared away.  The 2nd Work Party is now scheduled to complete our task to get ready to conduct regular rifle and pistol matches. The other Club’s Work Party No. 2. (Target Repair and Target Rebuilding) for the club’s Normal Paper Targets, will be held on Saturday Oct. 26, 2019.

If we can get EVERY Available person to come out and donate a few hours of your time we can get this portion of the much needed club work party done very quickly and within a few hours.  There is an old saying, “With many hands makes small work”.

So this is what is planned for the club’s Work Party No. 2. (Target Repair and Target Rebuilding)

Saturday October 26, 2019

START TIME: 0900 (9:00 AM)

END TIME: 1500 (3:00 PM)

As a reminder, please do not wear shorts for this Work Party.  Range Control definitely does not want us in Violation of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) policy and long trousers is part of this requirement.  Please bring your work gloves and hydration items (water, Camelback, etc.) too. 

All Long Range Targets are already DONE.  Mid-Range, GSM, XTC and Pistol Targets are left to work on.

a.  Removal of all Target Frames within the Conex Boxes (which have been ID to be repaired or new targets placed onto them) .  Majority of the work will be primarily  done on R213 (Pistol Range) . 

b.  Target Frames examined and determined if new Target backing is needed on them or not.

c. Target Frames separated into different stacks: (By Yard lines and by) , REFACE or REBUILD

IF SOMEONE IS UNABLE TO PHYSICALLY PERFORM THE DUTIES OF THE WORK PARTY,  Please contact me directly.  The club is also in need of personnel to update the club’s website material for each Discipline.  So if you’re better with your mind than body, WE CAN STILL USE YOUR Talent and HELP!

SMGC Work Party 09/2019 Announcement

Friends and Members of the Santa Margarita Gun Club:

As many of you know, SMGC has been without a Licensing Agreement since September 2017.  We finally got our NEW Licensing Agreement signed recently and it is now time to get our house in order completely.  The Officers, Board Members and a few select individuals of this club have worked very hard to get the club back and running.  The club’s future plans are going to be looking great once we get our house in order.

All of the club’s range assets and conex boxes have been moved onto the R213 and R214 complex.  The move itself has shifted all of the contents within those conex boxes around dramatically.  This,  along with the 2 years of lack of use and various rodents having made nests inside of them means, these boxes are in need of immediate attention by all club members if we are to get our regular monthly matches under way !!!!!   

In order to start our 2020 Shooting Season off correctly, the first of two much needed work parties has been approved by the base.  The Board of Directors are requesting ALL of the club members to clear their personal calendars and make it to this first work party in order to get the conex boxes and their contents squared away.

Since SMGC is a Mutual Beneficial Organization and one of the club’s membership requirements of each member is to donate a minimum of 6 hours per year to participate in the club’s work parties. EVERY CLUB MEMBER is responsible to help out in this task. 
If we can get EVERY Available person to come out and donate a few hours of your time we can get this portion of the much needed club work party done very quickly and within a few hours.  There is an old saying, “With many hands makes small work”.

So this is what is planned for the club’s Work Party No. 1. (General Cleaning and Inventory)

Saturday September 28, 2019

START TIME0800 (8:00 AM) 

END TIME1500 (3:00 PM)

  • a.  Removal of all contents within the Conex Boxes (Five conex boxes in total)  2 on R213 (Pistol Range) and 3 on R214 (Rifle Range)
  • b.  All Conex Boxes floors swept or blown out and all materials/contents cleaned
  • c.  Materials Organized and Inventoried
  • d.  Target Frames examined and determined if new Target backing is needed on them or note. 
  • e. Target Frames separated into different stacks: (By Yard lines and by)  Electronic, New, Usable, Un-serviceable
  • f.   Paper Targets organized and placed into protective containers 
  • g.  Range Ammo Cans cleaned out and resupplied
  • h.  INVENTORY MADE:    
    • 1. All Items inventoried – Usable Items kept, Un-usable items discarded   
    • 2. Items which need to be re-stocked listed so they can be re-ordered
  • i.   Conex Contents moved back into the respective Conex Boxes and Organized for ease of use   
    • Conex Box No. 1  – PRS (R214) 
    • Conex Box No.2  – XTC / GSM (R214)
    • Conex Box No.3  – Mid Range / Long Range  (R214)
    • Conex Box No.4  – Pistol (TAN Conex Box on  R213) 
    • Conex Box No.5  – Overstock Items and Items in need of repair. (Old Green One on R213)

Work Party participants should bring the following Items:

  • Work Gloves (Personal Use)
  • Mask to cover breathing (Personal Use)
  • Safety Glasses (Personal Use)
  • Water/refreshments/ice chests/food

If any members can commit to bringing some of these Items and/or also donated some items to make things go faster and easier it would be greatly appreciated: PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY IF YOU CAN PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS.

(Use of Only – Items)

  • Air Blower 
  • Air Compressor 
  • Generator 
  • Extension Cords
  • Power Strips
  • Brooms Label Maker 
  • Circular Saws

(Donated Items)

  • Rags 2″ x 4″ wood  
  • 2″ x 6″ wood   
  • 2″ x 2″ x 8′ Wood 
  • 1/2″ and/or  5/8″ plywood Sheets (in fair to great condition)
  • 2″ Screws (1 large box)
  • The Wood products are in order to fix the stairs in the pits and for Conex flooring/Shelves and future overhead cover between the conex boxes on R214.
  • Trash Bags (Large) and ties  (Donated)
  • Cardboard boxes or Clear Plastic Boxes for storage of loose items  (Donated)
  • Spray Paint Cans:  Colors Requested:  Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Black and Florescent  Orange/Green  (Donated)
  • Zip Lock Bags (Large/Small)  (Donated)

IF SOMEONE IS UNABLE TO PHYSICALLY PERFORM THE DUTIES OF THE WORK PARTY,  Please contact me directly.  The club is also in need of personnel to update the club’s website material for each Discipline.  We also need an Attorney to review the club’s ByLaws and update with the necessary changes already made.  So if you’re better with your mind than body, WE CAN STILL USE YOUR Talent and HELP!

The other Club’s Work Party No. 2. (Target Frame Re-build & Target Build) for the club’s Electronic Targets and Normal Paper Targets) will be held on a date: TBD – To Be Determined.

Thanks ahead of time.  Semper Fidelis

Harry D. Harrison 
MGySgt, USMCR (Retired)
MCDSA Board of Governors
Senior Officer, Fountain Valley P.D. (Retired)
SMGC Vice President, Board of Directors