The February MR & XTC Matches will be held on Range 116A on Feb 21 & 22. NOT ON Range 103 as originally scheduled due to a conflict with WDM.
Thank you very much,
Harry D. Harrison
The February MR & XTC Matches will be held on Range 116A on Feb 21 & 22. NOT ON Range 103 as originally scheduled due to a conflict with WDM.
Thank you very much,
Harry D. Harrison
The January XTC and Midrange match results are now available on the match results page
Our fearless leader
The New PA (it is SWEET)
300 Yard Rapid Prone (notice the GREEN)
Hello Fellow Shooters!
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Safe & Happy New Year! 2015 promises to be a great year for shooting at the Santa Margarita Gun Club. 2014 was a difficult and challenging year for the club. We had many difficulties and hurdles to get over during this last year. We have made considerable efforts to over-come those short falls in order to get back on the correct path in 2015.
Many of you are not aware of the moving parts that are put into motion in order to put together events for Everyone to Enjoy. The reality of FACTS: Whether we put on a practice session or a Regional Championship; we have to do the exact same things in order to use the ranges aboard MCB Camp Pendleton. For starters, we are mandated to have (2) USMC Base qualified Range Safety Officer’s (RSO’s) and at least (1) medical person (EMT or higher) present, (2) if that person is also going to shoot, in order to operate on any range aboard the base. This does not include the hours of volunteered time to organize, set-up, tear down and then process the required paperwork for the USMC, along with the NRA and CMP paperwork for these events.
Your Board of Directors and Club Officers are doing our best to ensure we all have access to the very best Ranges in Southern California. Some of you know the answer to this question and others do not. Q: How far would you have to travel just to get to another range (600 yards and beyond)? Phoenix (AZ), Coalinga (Central Calif.), Boulder City (NV), Palmdale or 29 Palms (High Desert) are the nearest ranges which have a 600 to 1000 yard range. Think about how far you would have to travel in order to gain access to those available distances we have aboard Camp Pendleton. I hope those of you who are reading this recognize we have a great venue of ranges aboard Camp Pendleton at our disposal and for the most part it is in your own back yard or at least within an hour or two hour drive instead of a four or five hour trip.
Although we haven’t had a match since September, I hope everyone is looking forward to breaking out your shooting gear and getting started again. Our club has to operate our Calendar by the Federal Fiscal Year (Oct-Sep) due to USMC Range Scheduling. The Club Officers and I have locked down the Events for the 2015 Schedule. Please check the web site for the exact dates and types of competitions. We have scheduled the Long Range Matches to occur primarily on the 1st weekend of the Month and the Mid-Range (MR) Matches and the Across the Course (XTC) Matches will occur primarily on the LAST Weekend of the Month. PLEASE NOTE: MR matches will be on Saturday’s and XTC matches will be on Sunday’s this year. Part of our changes we have made for this year are a direct reflection of the format of the National Rifle Championships. Our MR Matches have been formatted to assist those planning on shooting at the 2015 National Championships. Specifically, the MR matches will alternate between (3 x 600 and the 300, 500, 600 yard) formats every other month (see the schedule of events for further details). Additionally, after the National Long Range Championships are held at Camp Perry in 2015, the USA will host the World Palma Championships at Camp Perry. This is the year you should attempt to go to the National Championships, especially if you have never gone there.
The Board of Directors and Club Officials want to build on the things that have shown to improve the overall club operations and your individual shooting skills. This building process will start with the very first events of the year. SMGC is making efforts to assist folks in the development their individual skill levels in the various disciplines. During the 1st Event, a Work Party & Practice Session, we are making available chronographs along with advice to develop your loads for your particular rifles. We will be shooting at 100, 200 & 300 yards in order to assist you in establishing your “No Wind” Zeros.
We are planning and conducting some shooting “Clinics” to assist you in improving your skill levels as well. There will be an “Across the Course” Rifle Clinic at the end of January (Jan 31 & Feb 1) specifically to help those who shoot this type of event to improve your abilities. We are also speaking with “NANCY & MID TOMPKINS” in order to put together a “Prone & Long Range Clinic”. The dates are yet to be determined, but the clinic will also include Nancy’s Latest Book. As John Hermsen previously stated, the SMGC is also looking into obtaining other equipment to assist us in the operations of conducting matches. You will also notice when you look at the Match Programs for the Mid-Range and XTC matches, that the match programs are already done and NRA Registered and approved for most of the year.
In order to continue to stream line our process of checking-in, so that we can start our MR & XTC matches on time. I will ask all of you, to do the following things:
Other Club News:
Our SGMC Pistol Program is still stagnating until we can get someone willing to become the Pistol Director. We have folks who are willing to be assistants to this program to make it happen, but we still need one or two person(s) who are willing to take the bull by the horns and make this work. Everyone likes to shoot, but the simple fact is someone needs to step out in front if this program if it is to get back into operation. Those who enjoy shooting Pistol need to look inside of yourselves and decide if you would like to see this program go forward or not.
The SGMC will also be conducting several Regional Matches in addition to our Annual “Camp Pendleton Open” in September 2015. These Regional Matches have changed in their Formats, so please look them over. We are addressing the increase in participation levels of the Mid-Range Matches this year.
The club has increased our Awards Program, specifically our Annual New Trophies to recognize our exceptional and consistent shooters. These Trophies are:
SGMC Pin Awards:
We will continue to award the SGMC Pins. They have been a huge success in recognizing individual efforts. When looking at the match results at the end of the tournament, please be sure to point out to the Match Director or the Stat Officer when you shot well enough to receive one of these awards. We take pride in awarded them “At the Match”.
Final Thoughts:
I just wanted to ask all of you who take the time to read this, to please step up whenever you see a need for something to get done at the range. There are many moving parts to running a match and it cannot be done by just one person alone. When you get to the range early please give us a helping hand at the target conex box. Helping load up targets onto the range cart (to be brought down range), ensure all of the target “cans” get place onto the range cart or ensuring the “correct repair centers” are taken to the pits helps all of us out.
Please remember this: “WE ARE A CLUB, NOT A COUNTRY CLUB”. The SMGC – Santa Margarita Gun Club, is a mutual beneficial organization and each of us works to help out each other. There are no paid employees; each position is a VOLUNTEER Position. With this being said, if you are not a club officer, then be more than just a “Shooter”. YOUR Assistance is appreciated in any capacity, whether at the beginning or especially at the end of a Match. Things need to be put away in their proper place at the end of our matches too.
Last but certainly not least, please stick around after the matches have concluded to ensure you receive your correct scores and to recognize the Winners in each category. Remember this: when merchandise is awarded, Winners must be present in order to receive those prizes. We know you don’t do this sport for the money because you could make more $$ doing something else. Allow us (as a club) to recognize your hard work. It is motivational to us all when we see someone improving and/or shooting their (PB), Personal Bests. Having a reputation and being known as a “Good Shooter and Competitor” is something we should all strive for. So please show your support to our fellow Club Members who did well enough to be recognized.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at our events.
Good Shooting, Stay Centered and Semper Fidelis,
Harry D. Harrison
MGySgt, USMCR (Ret.)
SMGC Vice President and High Power Rifle Director
Santa Margarita Gun Club’s PRESIDENT’S Message:
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year to All;
First of all, I would like to report the results of the recent Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Elections. The current (BoD’s) Board of Directors, was re-elected as it currently stands by the Regular Members in attendance. There were no other ballots or nominations received by any other means. Thank you to them for stepping up and being reelected for another term; which, by the way, will be two years in length as the Bylaws’ were changed to reflect that Elections are to be held every other year from now on. Besides congratulations for the BoD’s re-elections, we also need to recognize the outstanding “Club Champions” within the Santa Margarita Gun Club for 2014; and they are:
Thank you again to all who participated and congratulations on an outstanding 2014, good luck in this shooting season.
I have several requests to make of you all for the near future as we have some catching up to do. Attached to this, and posted online is the next season’s schedule; I know you’re all anxious to see it, but contained in it will be some dates for work parties. The 1st date is January 10th & 11th. We will need plenty of hands to get caught up and start the year right. Saturday January 10th will be the main work party for Ranges 116A & Range 103. Our new Pistol Box on Range 116A needs housekeeping. The new Pistol Director (whomever it will be as we are currently without); will need the gear/equipment staged for use. As we also have plans on moving the Mid-Range & XTC Matches back home to Range 103, we need the targets brought back there in order to resume operations there. Sunday January 11th will be a practice day for those who participated in the work party on Saturday as a reward for helping out. Please do your best to fit these dates into your schedule and set it aside, as we will need all hands for that day.
There are two glaring current vacancies within the Club which will affect portions of the Matches we as a Club can put together. We are in need of Officers for the following positions:
This next topic, CLUB MEMBERSHIPS, is a huge deal for the club along with its current membership and future participants of the SMGC Events.
Membership renewals are currently lagging and need to be stimulated in order to keep the Club’s operating expenses paid and to fund some projects to benefit the Membership. To that end, the rate being paid by Daily Associate Members to attend events will increase $5.00 to $10.00 for all events. What this means to you is that if you attend more than 4 events (days) with SMGC, it would behoove you to purchase an Annual Associate Membership.
Some of the expenses that must be paid each year are: Insurance, Rent, Accountancy and P.O. Box, office supplies, targetry, awards and associated materials. We also have a bomb cart to repair…. the short story is, we need you folks that would like to participate with SMGC regularly to become annual Members. With this being said, the new membership forms can be downloaded from the club’s website and mailed in to the club’s New P.O. Box. Please note that the P.O. Box for the Club has changed to Corona to facilitate pickup in a timely fashion by our Secretary/Treasurer – Cindy Harrison. Membership cards will be required to be shown at matches and this also confirms your club association with the Marines at the entrance gates aboard the base.
That leads me to another request: SMGC needs someone with some cabinetry skills to craft for us some proper storage and transport boxes similar to the San Luis Rey Trophy’s box, for the remainder of our fine trophies.
In order to improve the experience on our Ranges and enhance operations, the Club will be purchasing some commercial grade radios for Range operations and increased clarity of communications, particularly at longer ranges. We are also actively researching camera and other remote systems for plotting hits on target without the necessity of a target puller. Harry is looking at an electronic training system…. and, as our way of saying “Thank you for your support and Merry Christmas.” SMGC has purchased a quality Chronograph for the use of the Regular and Annual Members on Range days in order to calibrate loads and gather load data.
Harry and the Match Directors may have something to add in their time, but that’s all from me for now.
Thank you all again for your support, best of luck to you in the upcoming year and at Western Division Matches for those that will participate; and I’ll see you on the Range!
John Hermsen, President/CRSO