Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

2015 California State Service Rifle Championship

For those interested, the 2015 California State Service Rifle Championship, sponsored by the California Rifle and Pistol Association will take place at the Coalinga Rifle Club Range on April 2-4 (2015).

  • Thursday (04/02) – Squadded Practice at 200, 300, and 600 yards.
  • Friday (04/03) – Club Match, Regional Match Course with sighters
  • Saturday (04/04) – State Service Rifle Championship, Match 1 200 yards 2 sighters – 20 shots for record – standing – 22 minutes. Match 2 200 yards 2 sighters – 2 minutes – 2 strings of 10 shots sitting in 60 seconds. Match 3 300 yards 2 sighters – 2 minutes – 2 strings of 10 shots prone in 70 seconds. Match 4 600 yards 2 sighters – 20 shots for record – prone – 22 minutes. Match 5 California State Service Rifle Championship: Aggregate of matches 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The tournament program and entry forms are available for download on the SMGC website in both Word and PDF as a courtesy for all High Power Service Rifle competitors.

Note that there will also be an Excellence in Competition (EIC) / LEG match on April 5th (Sunday). The program for the EIC/LEG match is also available here in Word and PDF.

Please send all inquiries and/or correspondence regarding 2015 CA State Service Rifle Championship or CA State EIC/LEG match to the contacts listed in the respective match programs.

Some amazing 1000 yard shooting

During today’s 1000 yard match our long range match director and club president pulled off a couple of amazing shots.  This target, which is about 12′ wide was exposed above the berm and was moving at walking speed.  First up was president John, I almost could not believe it when suddenly the target almost jumped out of my hand, this shot went through the wooden handle attached to the target.

Hermsen 1000 yard mover hit

Next up was match director Gary, his shot was a heart shot…moving target at 1000 yards, could it have possibly been more centered.  Awesome!!!

Fowler 1000 yard heart shot

And check this out…John took only 3 shots, and Gary took only 2.  I wonder how many dozens of tries it would take me…..

Great shooting guys

February 7-8, 2015 Long Range Match Results

Shooters –

As always, thank you for all of your help and support for the February Long Range matches.

Saturday the 7th we experienced an extraordinary day, the wind was very cooperative for the first 2 relays of the day but of course the wind came up and we found ourselves back to normal for the  3rd relay. As the competitors battle for the win we saw some very close scores, 3rd place was taken by Gregg Taylor with a 585-19x while Steve Blair held onto 2nd with a 586-19x. for the first time Alan Howland took the number 1 spot with a hard fought 586-20x.

Sunday the 8th was of course back to the normal high winds and the competitors wind reading skills were put to the test. Gary Atkinson took 3rd with a 570-14x while Mark Roth safely held onto 2nd with a 574-19x but a newcomer to Long Rang named Martin Tardif took the win with a 580-14x.  Congrats to all of the competitors!

A special congrats goes to the following competitors who earned a SMGC pin…

Alan Howland  – gold, silver and bronze…Amazing, Way to go!!!!

  • Gregg Taylor – silver… good job!!!!
  • Gary Atkinson – Bronze… well done!!!
  • Gary Fowler – Bronze.

Thanks again and I will see you all on the range,


Gary Fowler

Long Range Director

Santa Margarita Gun Club


The full results are available on the match results page

ATTENTION – 2015 Santa Margarita Gun Club Membership Information

Please see the list of CURRENT 2015 SMGC Memberships as of 02/15/2015 (PDF | Microsoft Excel). Please look at your present club membership card and if the front does not look something like one of these, it is likely that your membership with the club has expired.


Additionally, the new membership cards also have something else on the back side as well. Current membership affects your prices for the matches SMGC puts on. Annual Associate memberships are still $60.00 per year. Regular Memberships are only given to Current/retired U.S. Armed Forces Members a select number of Civilians.

I must turn in an active club membership roster to MCB Camp Pendleton, by the end of this month. So, If you want to save some $$$ instead of paying $10 extra each time you shoot with the club, re-new or get your 2015 SMGC Memberships today.

SMGC Membership Forms can be down loaded from the club’s website:

Mail the completed forms and fees to:

P.O. Box 79363
Corona, CA 92877-0178