Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

2015-04-18 CMP Garand / Springfield / Military Vintage Results

The results for the 2015-04-18 CMP Garand / Springfield / Military Vintage match are available in PDF on the Match Results page.


More photos from the April 2015 CMP GSM match are available here:

April Mid-Range Information

Hello Fellow High Power Shooters:

This is a reminder that April’s Mid-Range Match will be a 300, 500, 600 yard format. SMGC is experimenting with this format since this is the Format used at the National Rifle Championships at Camp Perry. We wanted to ensure those who may attend the 2015 National Championships the opportunity to get “Good Zeros” for that competition. Please let me know how you like this format vs. the 3 x 600 yard format. Match start time will be at 0800 hours on the 300 yard line. As always, your early registration is greatly appreciated.

Stay Centered and see you at Wilcox Range!

Harry D. Harrison

March 2015 Midrange and Across the Course Match Results

Congratulations to this months match winners:


  • Match Winner      Randy Tiessedre   592-30X
  • Second Place       MCPO Lee Davis   590-20X
  • Third Place           Walter Lange        589-22X

Across the course:

  • Match Winner     Ken Letwin           759-15X
  • Second Place      Nelson Green       758-13X
  • Third Place         Kurt Nelson          758-12X

The full match results are available on the Match Results Page

Match Director Harry and Midrange Match Winner Randy Tiessedre

2015 March Match Winner

2015 NRA High Power XTC Clinic Photos

Here are a few photos from the High Power XTC Clinic that took place in January 2015. If you missed it and wish to improve on your shooting, keep an eye on the SMGC Event Calendar for future clinics that may be scheduled.

Volunteers Needed for the 2015 US Police and Fire Championships

Well, it’s that time of year again! The first day of Spring and only 70 days until the start of the United States Police & Fire Championships (USPFC).

We are working hard to get the volunteers, RSO’s and medical staff for the Rifle Shooting Events. We want to make sure all have a good time.

If you would like to volunteer for these Championships, please follow the directions below:

We need you to go to the website,, and register as a Volunteer. This will help us with t-shirt and meal needs.

How to register:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on United States Police & Fire Championships (left side of page)
  3. Click on “volunteer”
  4. Click on “next”
  5. Click “here to register”
  6. Complete “About You”
  7. Click “next”
  8. Select “Volunteer”
  9. Click “next”
  10. Select your area
  11. Select shifts
  12. Sign volunteer waiver
  13. Review your entry
  14. Complete

You can always go back to the previous page and change things.