Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

29 Palms GSM Match

I received this notice from Jeff Lovat (the SMGC GSM Match Director) about a GSM match at 29 Palms.  the referenced flyer (match bulletin can be found here.



Apple Valley and Santa Margarita GSM shooters,

I hope by now you have all seen the flyer for the wonderful shoot 29 Palms is providing us the D-Day week end of June 6 & 7.
If not, I have attached it here.
Several people have written or called me with similar questions so I will try to answer them here for everybody.
They are having an authentic “three-gun” CMP shoot: Garand, Springfield and Vintage. And a pistol and rifle EIC.
First question: “can we shoot the same rifle (Garand or Springfield or ?) in all three GSM matches?
Answer: Yes.
You would only be eligible for award pins in “the” match dedicated to that rifle, but, you can still shoot all three matches with the same rifle, if desired.
Second question: “can we camp out Friday night in addition to Saturday night?” 
Answer; Yes.
I myself and at least two others plan to be dry camping behind the 600 yard line berm Friday night.
The range house has toilets and an open shower available and there are also porta potties outside.
Contact Cpl Evans via his e mail address or by phone, and make him aware of your intention to shoot.
It will make your entrance to the base much simpler if you do.
Cpl Evans:

Contact: Kevin Evans   


Work Phone: 760-830-6700

Whether you shoot one, two or all three GSM matches the price is the same…so shoot all three!
I and at least four others will shoot the pistol EIC Saturday and we are all beginners to it so don’t be shy to shoot that. With the rule changes for this year there are a plethora of allowable pistol models to shoot now.
Then there is the rifle EIC Sunday after the morning GSM Vintage, and it is not classified as military as someone asked me and as such even if you shot the Navy/PacFlt this one will count towards your five (5) allowed EIC’s per year which the new rules this year allowed.
Re Sunday mornings Vintage match, examples of vintage rifles include: Enfields, 1917’s, Krag, Swedish and German Mausers, Arisakas, Lee-Navy, 30-40 1895 lever action, Mosin Nagant, Swiss Schmidt Rubin, Swiss K-31, etc
Jeff Lovat
cc: Cpl Evans

May 2015 Regional Midrange and Across The Course Matches

This past weekend we held our two day regional at Range 116A.  All results can be found on the Match Results page

Saturday was rather cold and of course blustery day for a marathon session of midrange shooting.  Match Director Harry thought up a particularly long day for us with 5 stages of slow fire prone: 300 yards, 500 yards, 600 yards (iron sight) and 2 X 600 yards (any sights) for a 1000 point midrange aggregate.

  • Match Winner was match rifle shooter Harry Harrison with 979-36X.  Harry gets the Match rifle gold regional medal
  • Second Place overall was F-open shooter Walter Lange with 975-35X.  Walter gets the F-Open gold regional medal
  • Third Place overall was Palma rifle shooter Ken Letwin with 968-29X.  Ken gets the match rifle silver regional medal
  • Janus Dabrowski won the F-TR gold with a 927-16
  • Sam Hoskins took the F-Open silver with 752-17X
  • John Kounts took the F-Open bronze with 888-9X
  • Mike Jones took the F-TR silver with 919-11

Honorable mention goes to Jerry McDonough and John Hermsen.  They were both on a tear with thier palma rifles through the first three stages but Jerry had to leave before the marathon was finished, and he left with the rifle John was shooting.  John was breaking in and establishing initial zeros for Jerry’s father-in-laws new Palma rifle.   I wonder how things would have turned out if they finished.  I guess we’ll never know.

Sunday was a bit sunnier and the wind was pretty calm until we got to 300 yards then that 116A fishtail started.  You can see from the 300 yard and 600 yard scores that it was a tough day for the prone stages.  Not only was the wind switching direction frequently but the velocity was very up and down too…well mostly up at just the wrong time.

Match Winner was Ken Letwin with 754-16X. Regional Gold


Second Place was Harry Harrison with 754-7X.  Regional Silver


Third Place Overall, and high service rifle was Robert Connerly with 743-14X.   Regional Bronze


High Master Class Nelson Green 740-11X


High Expert is our GSM match director Jeff Lovat 722-9X


High Sharpshooter Peter Albrecht 657-5X  (special thanks to Peter for these photos)


Marskman class winner Brad Losey 683-4X


I want to especially thank everyone who pitched in after Sundays match to help clean up the range.  There was a lot to do and while I was finishing up the scores a bunch of folks pitched in and made the place look like we had never been there.  I hesitate to name names because I don’t want to miss anyone but you know who you are.

Letter from the High Power Director

I wanted to Thank those who came out to help at the Work Party this Afternoon (May 9th).

These Folks are:

  • Don & Cyndee Goodner, Cyndee’s son – Derek Eaton,
  • Dave Jordan (Former SMGC President)
  • Mike Jones (CEO of Accu Grip and constant Support of SMGC)
  • SMGC Board of Director’s David Ellis and John Hermsen.

These seven (7) people did the work of 20 in getting the Conex Box and Targets Ready at Range 103 for the rest of the competitors to use at the matches.

We not only got the Conex Box and Targets – Squared Away, but John, Mike and Dave Jordan got all of the Lanyard’s UP for the FLAGS we use on Wilcox Range !!! The rest of us worked on Cleaning, Repairing and Inventorying the Conex Box and its contents. The Range Cans are completely Squared Away and it will be to everyone’s benefit to keep them that way!!!

I hope all of you will say “Thank You” to them the next time you come to an SMGC Event.

Thank You ALL once again!!!! You did a Wonderful Job in making SMGC Look Good !!!!!

Harry D. Harrison

2015 May 02-03 Long Range Match Report


Thank you all again for helping SMGC’s Long Range program.

Saturday yielded tough and challenging conditions. As usual the wind provided confusion and opened the door to a humbling yet fun match. Mike Jones took 3rd place with a 336-10x while Duane Fitzgerald was the runner up with a 547-6x. The victor was Walter Lange with a 561-10x great shooting!

The conditions Sunday decided to be a bit more cooperative, Walter Lange held onto 3rd place with a 567-8x while Mark Roth was comfortably in 2nd with a 574-12x. The winner winner chicken dinner was Martin Tardif with a 582-14x!

Notable mention goes to the Jerry’s… we only had 2 conventional shooters on Saturday and Sunday and both were named Jerry. After a hard fought battle Mr. Pullens took the honors on Saturday while Mr. McDonough battled back on Sunday for the top spot.

Special thanks also goes to the Jerry’s for their hard work last Friday in preparing the new and improved number boards and preparing the range for the weekend matches. Their work shaved off over an hour both days allowing everyone to be off of the range before 2pm each day!!! Thank you for your help.

Our next match is scheduled for June 6th and 7th, I hope to see everyone then.

Best Regards,

Gary Fowler
Long Range Director
Santa Margarita Gun Club

The complete results are available for download on the Match Results page.