Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

2015 Camp Pendleton Open – Match Director’s Bulletin #1

To the Competitors who will be firing in the 63rd Camp Pendleton OPEN Tournament the following clarifications are being made which will assist you in participation of this Tournament and are not part of the Official Tournament Program;

Locations: As a reminder, the Pistol EIC will be the First Match Fired on Saturday Morning on September 26. All Pistol Competitors will report to Range 116B at 0700 Hours or 7:00 AM. Competitors are required to park in the Dirt Parking Lot ONLY and NOT Behind the 50 yard line.

Rifle Competitors (Only): DO NOT show up to Range 116B; proceed directly to Range 103, to report for the Rifle EIC Match at approximately 0900 Hours or 9:00 AM. Check in will be at the Covered Bleacher Area adjacent to the Dirt Parking Lot. Rifle Competitors will take all of their equipment (Rifle, Ammo and Equipment) to the 200 yard line after check in for Relay Assignment.

Rifles Used In Rifle Competition: For this particular Tournament, if a competitor fires in the Rifle EIC Match with a Service Rifle, and continues to fire in Sunday’s match, that competitor WILL BE ALLOWED to change the Rifle used for the 2nd Day of Competition (The 1000 Point XTC Match), to a Match Rifle/Any Rifle if they so choose.

A Barbeque will be held after all firing is complete on Saturday, prior to the Awards Ceremony.

Awards Ceremony & Prize Merchandise: There will be an Awards Ceremony after firing is complete after each day. Selected Prize Merchandise has been made available for Winning participants who compete in this Tournament. Winners of the Merchandise must be Present at the Awards Ceremony at the end of each day in order to collect the awards. NO Merchandise will be mailed out. Winners not present will forfeit their awards.

A Special Award will be presented to the Individual who competes in BOTH EIC Matches and fires the Highest Aggregate Score from the combined Total of each match, (Pistol EIC & Rifle EIC Scores Combined).

Companies: Berger Bullets has again, donated some merchandise which will be awarded during this competition. Accu-Grip has also provided some donated merchandise. Additionally, some special prizes from the National Championships at Camp Perry, Ohio will also be awarded.

I hope to see you September 26 & 27 at the SMGC – Santa Margarita Gun Club’s 63rd Anniversary Camp Pendleton Open – Regional Championships.

Harry D. Harrison
Match Director

June 2015 Midrange Regional Results

Congratulations to the Winners of the June 2015 SMGC Midrange Regional.

The overall match winner is Allen Thomas with a score of 1188-52X.

A summary of the overall aggregate Winners and the Category Winners are listed below

Name Day 1 Aggregate Day 2 Aggregate Grand Aggregate Awards
Allen Thomas 595-26 593-26 1188-52 Match Winner, 1st Place Conventional Gold Medal
Christine Harris 588-25 591-28 1179-53 1st Place F Open, Gold Medal
Scott Harris 588-23 588-25 1176-48 1st Place F TR, Gold Medal
Randy Teissedre 581-37 594-38 1175-75 2nd Place conventional, Gold Medal
Gary Elisio 588-23 585-21 1173-44 2nd Place F Open, Silver Medal
Greg Taylor 589-27 582-20 1171-47 2nd Place F TR, Silver Medal
Mark Roth 584-26 585-27 1169-53 3rd Place F TR, Bronze Medal
Justin Bertino 584-27 579-22 1163-49 3rd Place F Open, Bronze Medal
Ken Letwin 560-19 591-15 1151-34 3rd Place conventional, Bronze Medal
Andrew Marumoto 544-9 528-7 1072-16 High Service Rifle

Full results are available on the Match Results page.

I would also like to thank all of those who helped make this match happen.  Special thanks to Dave Ellis and John Kountz who set up the range on Friday night preceeding the match.  Also to Dave Ellis and John Hermsen for calling the line.  Thanks to Duane Fitzgerald for cooking burgers Sunday afternoon.

I hope you all had a good time and will return to next years match.


13 June 2015 – CMP GSM Match After Action Report

Santa Margarita Gun Club at Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Base, California. A bright beautiful day found thirty (30) competitors itching to shoot Saturday morning the 13th of June on range 103 Wilcox.

Registration was speedy and the targets were set up and we began shooting shortly after 0800.

There was a wonderfully diverse crowd and we had our first Woman Marine shooter, Tatiana Resto! She handled that Garand quite well!

What a plethora of old wooden rifles: Garands, 03’s, 03A3’s, Mosin Nagants, Enfields, M1A’s

Match 1 had twelve (12) medal winners:

  • Paul Guy and an M1A (modern military class) shot a 286.11 for a gold
  • Jim Minturn shooting an 03A3 shot a 286.4 for a gold
  • Kevin Cooper and his Garand scored a 284.3 for gold
  • Russell Carr shot a 279.3 with his Garand for a gold
  • Steve Hobart shot a Garand for a score of 279.1 for gold
  • John Hermsen using an ‘03 rifle shot a 277.5 for silver
  • Michael Miller shot a 276.1 with his Garand for silver
  • David Ellis shot a 275.6 with his Garand for a silver
  • Joe Vampole used his Garand to obtain a 274.0 for silver
  • Mark Marshall shot a 270.4 with his Garand for bronze
  • David Lukens shot a 265.0 with his Garand for bronze
  • And Richard Martinez got that vintage medal he has been coveting with a 261.4 using a 1917 Enfield for a bronze

Match 2 saw a departure of a few shooters so we had 26 shooters and nine (9) medal winners:

  • Shooting an incredible score of 291.4 with his Garand Richard Martinez earned a gold and promoted the reputation that Marines know how to shoot!
  • Right on his heels using an 03A3 was David Ellis shooting a 282.4 for a gold
  • Michael Miller shot a 280.8 with his 03A3 for a gold
  • Paul Guy earned a silver with his M1A shooting a 278.4
  • Jeremy Cail got a 274.4 with his M1A for bronze
  • Jim Minturn earned a silver with the Garand and a 274.2
  • Kevin Cooper shot a 272.2 with his Garand for a silver
  • Steve Hobart shot a 272.1 for a silver with his Garand
  • John Hermsen shot an ’03 for a bronze with a score of 266.5

Pit clean up went well and the Conex was put away nice and neat due to help from many.

  • Thanks to John H for RSO, helping and leading.
  • Thanks to the father and son “Guy’s” for medical
  • Thanks to new man Brian Chamberlain for medical
  • Thanks to Van for medical and for manning up when “somebody” was needed in the pits for pulling targets…..
  • Thanks to RSO Richard Martinez and all the other RSO’s who offered
  • Thanks to Harry H for advice even as he was driving over the Mississippi River at the same time!
  • Thanks to Ken L for answering questions as they popped up in my mind
  • Thanks to Gunny Berenguer USMC for finding six good pit puller Marines who showed up on time and worked hard and with smiles.
  • Thanks to Richard Martinez for locating and giving to us free of charge, black pasters as we were out.

Please forgive me if I forgot a kindness or assistance you provided to me at the match as I am still treading water here and swallowing some water as I do but I was proud of all the shooters, helpers, and our pit pulling crew of the six Marines.

Semper Fi,
Jeff Lovat
GSM Director SMGC
June 18, 2015

Farewell message from one of our members

On Jun 17, 2015, at 10:26 AM, John Hermsen  wrote:
Thank you for the kind words Michael.  It has been our pleasure to have you participate with us when you did.  Not many come along that are the great combination of excellent skills,  outstanding coaching ability,  a gentleman as well as competitor with the most affable demeanor at all times;  you will be missed on our Ranges.

Fair winds and following seas to our friend Michael,  come and visit when you can.
With Respect,
John Hermsen  President/CRSO

On Jun 15, 2015, at 7:33 AM, Michael Sierra  wrote:
Harry, Steve, BoD, Officers, Match Directors & Assistants-
Thank you for extending to me the opportunity to join the SMGC for a day of learning and sharing of experience.  However, unfortunate timing will cause me to be unavailable as the Corps has decided it is time for me to move.
I would also like to thank you and SMGC for being welcoming to all who seek to improve their marksmanship skills, regardless of barrel length and individual skill starting point.  My work schedule proved as demanding as I anticipated, perhaps more than I admit–otherwise, I would have definitely participated in many of the scheduled events.
Continue to train, develop and mentor our shooters with the open and approachable environment you and the club showed me.  Dry fire often to shoot hard and shoot straight.
Thank you again.
Semper Fidelis-