Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

December 3-4 (2016) Long Range Match Report

Thanks to all of those who came out this past weekend and thanks to Harry and his family filling in for our missing Marine pit pullers.

Well, if you weren’t with us on Saturday, you didn’t miss much but a lot of wind with very rapid changes. Scores suffered due to the wind. Duane was the high with a 577, need I say any more.

Sunday however, was a day for scoring and I am sure a couple of people who had other plans are kicking themselves right now (yes I am talking to Walter, Mark and Martin).

If one of use was going to shoot a clean Sunday would be one of the few days it could be done. I shot in essentially a no-wind condition for almost 30 minutes running several different loads through my 6.5X47 in my first string. High scores for the Day – Marc 591, Duane (F-Open) 582, Gary (FTR) 575.

Overall match winners:

  • Sling- Marc Mittry
  • F-Open – Duane Fitzgerald
  • FTR- Gary Atkinson

We have a match scheduled for January 7 and 8 at Range 117. We will be hosting some of the Wounded Warriors from Camp Pendleton on Saturday at the 3X1000. Sunday we will be shooting 800, 900, 1000 to accommodate those (particularly me) needing zeros for the Berger Southwest Nationals in February. We should be able to get some very good scores if the weather cooperates.

For those of you struggling at 1000 yards we are looking at how to manage a clinic to help everyone out. Harry has suggested a 800 yard match so that the 308s can be evaluated fairly and utilize the classroom at R116 to do the wind reading and reloading portions of the clinic. Stay tuned for further information.

Thanks to all of you for coming out and shooting with us. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy and Safe New Year!

Mike Jones
Long Range Director, SMGC

2016-11-20 SMGC CMP GSM Match Reort

After a rocky start due to a locked gate with no key, the competitors did not
let it bother them at all.

We had two relays and 17 shooters.

We had M1 Garands, 03’s, M1 Carbines, Mausers and AR’s.

Top shooters included:

  • Hector Miro and his 03A3 earning a 279 and a silver award pin.
  • Dave Ellis and his 03A3 earned a 275 and a silver award pin.
  • James Ritchie and his M1 Garand earned a 271 and a bronze award pin.
  • Jeremy Cail and his M1 Garand earned a 262 and a bronze award pin.
  • Brad Losey (out of competition; but still exemplary) with his AR scored a 279 & 280.

We had a female shooter, first time shooters, a father & son team and so many Ellis’s on the line that I thought they were going to have their Thanksgiving family get together there!

Thanks to RSO’s/OIC’s Brad and Dave. Thanks to Medical man Van Texas who is looking happy and healthy. Thanks to John for coming out and opening that locked gate.

Please plan to shoot at the LR, XTC 80, & Rifle/Pistol EIC at 29 Palms: December 16 – 18.

Write me or look at the website for details.

Semper Fi,


58th High Desert NRA High Power and Long Range Regional (2016)

The High Desert NRA High Power and Long Range Regional are being hosted again at Twentynine Palms Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command (MAGTFTC) from December 16 to 18 (2016).

The current program made available to the SMGC are available for download in PDF and Word/docx from the SMGC site. This is not an SMGC event, so all questions should be sent to the point(s) of contact listed in the match program.

The SGMC encourages all interested parties to participate in this tournament.

  • 58th Annual High Desert Regional Program – PDF | Word/docx
  • 29 Palms MAGCTFTC Directions – PDF

2016 California State Long Range Championship Report

Report by Mike Jones

We had an outstanding participation by SMGC members at this years State Championship.

From our club we had: Gary Atkinson, Janusz Dabrowski, Lee Davis, Duane Fitzgerald, Walter Lange, Mike Jones, Jerry McDonough, Marc Mittry, Allan Morita, Marco Rojas, Jeremy Spray, Martin Tardiff, Allen Thomas, Bill Tusch, Simon Wagner, Charlie Wallace.

Our group did well with the following people getting aknowledgement for first place finishes over the three days of shooting, in either the Friday Club shoot, Saturday, Sunday and Overall aggregate:

  • Gary Atkinson
  • Lee Davis
  • Mike Jones
  • Jerry McDonough
  • Marko Rojas
  • Allen Thomas
  • Simon Wagner
  • Charlie Wallace

Allan Thomas was 3rd overall, Jerry Mcdonough was 6th overall in sling. Gary Atkinson was 4th overall in FTR. Mike and Charlie finshed first and second in Expert overall, Lee Davis finished 1st in FTR Sharpshooter overall. Great shooting by all.

Attendance this year was fantastic with 71 competitors, a big increase from last year.

The winners of the Bears this year were:

  • Bob Gill – Sling
  • David Gosnell – F-Open
  • Nikilas Montin – FTR.

For those of you who haven’t shot at Coalinga before the typical wind call was 1 MOA max and virtually the entire match was governed by your ability to read the mirage. Far different conditions than what we see at Range 117. The target frames are the easiest I have ever experienced you could move them with one finger if needed.

If you are concerned about cost, there is camping at the range. The grass area is great for tent camping. There is a gravel lot for RVs and trailers. It was $5 for tent camping and $15 for RV or trailer.

2016 SMGC Camp Pendleton Open Trophy Winners

The following photos represent the winners of the Trophy Awards at the 2016 SMGC Camp Pendleton Open match. For a recap, read the 2016 SMGC CPO match report.

The NSW – Naval Special Warfare Trophy – 200 Yard Slow Fire Standing Award- 197 x 7
(Left to Right): Sgt James Minturn, USMCR Rifle Team ( 2nd Place); Jeffrey Mikesell (Match Winner); Steven Collins (3rd Place)


The Creedmoor Sports Trophy – 200 Yard Rapid Fire Sitting Award – 200 x 10
(Left to Right): Sgt Aaron Perkins-Riverside PD (2nd Place); MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (Match Winner); Jeffrey Mikesell (3rd Place)


The South Bay Rod & Gun Club Trophy – 300 Yard Rapid Fire Prone Award – 198 x 7
(Left to Right): MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (2nd Place); Bob Gill (Match Winner); Ken Letwin (3rd place)


The American Legion Trophy – 600 Yard No. 1 Slow Fire Prone Award – 198 x 10
(Left to Right):SSgt Eric Swearingen, USMCR Rifle Team (2nd Place); MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (Match Winner); Bob Gill (3rd Place);


The USPFC “Fallen Officer” Trophy – 600 Yard No. 2 Slow Fire Prone Award – 197 x 10
(Left to Right) : Sgt James Minturn, USMCR Rifle Team ( 2nd Place); Bob Gill (Match Winner); Sgt Aaron Perkins -Riverside PD (3rd Place)


The Wounded Warrior “Generations of Valor” Trophy – Slow Fire Aggregate Award – 584 x 26
(Left to Right): Sgt James Minturn, USMCR Rifle Team ( 2nd Place); Bob Gill (Match Winner);
Presenter-Wounded Warrior: Richard “Shakey Jake” Stadler;
MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (3rd Place)


The Marine Corps Distinguished Shooters Association Trophy – Rapid Fire Aggregate Award – 396 x 20
(Left to Right) : Bob Gill (2ndPlace); MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (Match Winner);
Sgt Aaron Perkins -Riverside PD (3rd Place)


The Berger Trophy – 1000 Point Aggregate Award – 979 x 38
(Left to Right):SSgt Eric Swearingen, USMCR Rifle Team (3rd Place); Bob Gill (Match Winner); MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (2nd Place)


The San Luis Rey Trophy – 1500 Point Grand Aggregate Award – 1465 x 56
(Left to Right): Sgt James Minturn, USMCR Rifle Team ( 2nd Place); MSgt Justin Skaret, USMCR Rifle Team (Match Winner); Jeffrey Mikesell (3rd Place)
