Santa Margarita Gun Club
Promoting safe, competitive shooting sports for active and retired military, civilians, and juniors.

2018 F-Class Nationals (Raton, New Mexico) Match Report

First, I would like to thank all of the “sling shooters” for running the match, Mike St Clair (USCM Retired and SMGC member) was the match director, Jim Oconnel, Dennis VanLier, Mike McShea (pistol shooter) were some of names and faces you might recognize from Coalinga and Berger SWN.

We had 3 club members travel to Raton New Mexico for the 2018 F-Class Nationals. Mark Roth, Lou Murdica and Mike Jones. We also have a friend, Ed Harrach, from New Mexico that I made and honorary SMGC Member for the team match.

The mid-range match started on Sunday September 16, whenever you, or I, fired your first “9” for score, you had lost the match. The eventual winner, John Myers shot 1800-133X as the aggregate score. It was impressive shooting in challenging conditions. Second place was Tod Hendricks 1796-119X. Our honorary member, Ed Harrach, was one of the bronze Medalists with a score of 1795-110X. Either of those score would have won last year.

Here is a picture of Ed Harrach with his overall Bronze in Mid-range:

For the Midrange Team Match we finished 7th overall with a 1585-85X. We were 8 shots from third overall. The winning team Brux- Lapua-Borden shot a 1598-112X.

Long Range Started on Thursday, September 20 in a downpour of rain. I shot a 199-9X and could barely see the rings on the target, maybe that’s what I need to shoot well. The days remaining matches were cancelled after the first string of fire.

The rest of the matches were conducted in challenging conditions. At various times flags lied, mirage lied and even combinations of the two seemed be not be telling the truth. I have a lot to learn from Harry. Also when you shoot is a factor as conditions varied widely from string to string.

Most of the match, I was shooting and pulling with Lou Murdica (SMGC member, disabled Navy vet). He finished 3rd overall in the Long Range aggregate, High Senior, and 2nd overall for one of the days, his aggregate score was 1181-50X. Great Shooting – Lou!

Mark Roth finished 23rd overall with 1174-40X, honorary SMGC member Ed Harrach finished 25th overall with 1173-37X. Good job Mark and Ed!

In the Long Range team match……………we got killed…….the highlight and summary of the conditions for me was my second string when I shot a 192-6X. During this string of fire, Dam Bramley, Captain of the F-Class National Team and coached by Michelle Gallagher, shot a 193-6X. That helped my self-esteem since the conditions didn’t look as bad as they apparently were. If Michelle couldn’t see the conditions change……me and my one good eye were not going to see it. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it

For planning purposes, the CA State Long Range Championships are coming the first weekend in November. I have not seen the match form anywhere. If someone finds it please forward it to me for disbursement.

See you on the range soon.
Mike Jones
Long Range Director, SMGC

2018 59th Annual High Desert Rifle Matches at MCAGCC Twentynine Palms

The following message is from Jeff Lovat, the event coordinator. This is not an SMGC event. The information and match programs are being provided here for convenience. All official and up-to-date information should be obtained from the event coordinator.

The matches are a go and the Marines want A LOT of shooters there and besides us civilians they are recruiting more Marines to actively shoot it.

Come shoot for a day, or two days, or three days or all four days. And enjoy the thrill of being on an active Marine Corps Base and who knows what you will see and hear. Tanks on the move, Amtracs crawling along, the sweet sound of machine guns firing and bombs being dropped or shot out of cannon’s….

Remember, free camping behind the 600 yard line berms and FREE PIT SERVICE included.
$5 BBQ provided by the Marines after the matches.

To the shooters who sign up I will send directions how to get on base, a detailed map how to get to the base, and exact directions to get you to the rifle and pistol ranges.

Feel free to forward any and all of this to other shooters.

This is the tweaked Version 5 92718 match program.
It supersedes all prior programs.

QUESTIONS most asked already and the answers:

  • Is there 1000 yard practice Wednesday November 28?
    NO. Unfortunately the range is needed for other purposes that day.
  • How many shots for record on TH and FR?
    60 shots for record Thursday
    40 shots for record Friday.
    Unlimited sighters both days.

And remember a team match following Friday’s two matches we hope you all will shoot in.

Match Forms:

Letter from the President – 2018-08-15

Dear Members,

As diligently as we have tried to reduce the cost of Licensure, the time to stop the endless governmental “to-do loops” in response to our communications, eating precious time, is over.
We have decided that we need to generate the necessary funds to begin operations again, and if the request to have the Base absorb some costs comes through, all the better for all of us.

The good news in all of this is SMGC has received permission to begin operations again, we’ve been stuck in a several week each loop, to do cycle trying to negotiate price, verify no change in operating parameters or ranges; during it all we sit idle. The lease renewal will be for a 5 year term, utilizing the same ranges that we have previously used, and allowing us to continue to operate pistol, mid-range, high power, long range and PRS matches.

Need to Raise Funds:
In order to get into operations again we need to generate enough cash to give the Navy $9,500.00. We currently have just short of $3000 in our accounts. We also need to raise an additional $1000 for targetry and supplies to get the mid-range targets rebuilt. Fortunately, we have paid our Insurance premiums and further payments won’t be required until 2019.

So our funding target is $7500. Once we gather the goal of $7,500.00 we can submit the payment and begin operations again in very short order. In fact our goal is to start shooting again in early October based on achieving this goal.

New Membership Fees:
To that end SMGC is raising the Membership fees to be more in alignment with the rest of the market. Effective immediately:
Yearly Regular Memberships shall be $100.00, Yearly Associate Memberships $120.00.
Two year memberships $175/200 for regular/associate.
Life of Lease members (5 years) $400.00 “life of lease” or 5 year membership.
Members who have paid their 2018 dues will be credited towards whatever membership level desired. While we are limited to a fixed number of regular members as a ratio of military members, associate members have the same shooting privileges and costs as regular members, they just don’t have a vote in club business matters.

Additionally, Medical Personnel will no longer receive free membership in the club, they will however continue to participate in matches for free.

Active and reserve duty personnel are still free to join the club.

New DOD Access Regulations:
The Department of Defense is implementing new base access regulations. It is imperative that anyone interested in participating with SMGC, MUST HAVE A RENEWED MEMBERSHIP, and updated with their personal information so that the newly mandated access procedures can be followed. If you plan on shooting with us, you will need to have an SMGC membership or a valid military ID, period! Due to the new Department of Defense procedures soon to be implemented, we no longer will be able to add someone to our roster for weekend shoot. This new access procedure will make it far more difficult for visitors to participate with the club, any non-member will require 90 day advance signup and notification to the Base Provost Marshall.

What You Need to Do:
Please remit your Membership fees ASAP and let’s get back to shooting! If your dues and application are not received by September 15, 2018, you will not be part of the initial background checks and DBIDs card issue, and will have to wait until January to process your membership. No exceptions.

John Hermsen
President and CRSO
Santa Margarita Gun Club

  • 2019 SMGC Membership Application [PDF | Word/.docx]
  • MCB Camp Pendleton DBIDS Sponsored Visitor Form [PDF]
  • MCB Camp Pendleton Access Procedures [PDF | Word/.docx]

From Camp Perry 2018

Photo submission from the SMGC contingent competing at Camp Perry 2018:

Former SMGC member Captain, now Major, Martinez USMC spotted by SMGC member Jeff Lovat at the National Matches at Camp Perry. Major Martinez is now with the 2nd MarDiv at Camp Lejeune.

MCBCP MCCS Vado Del Rio Trap and Skeet Petition – Letter from Long Range Director


Attached is a petition I am asking each of you to sign and return to my attention. This does not affect us at SMGC, this affects the shotgun range (R107), but anything we can do to support this effort can be expected to repay and support us with other like minded shooters. Phil Brooks , the petitions author, is involved with the Vado Del Rio trap and skeet club and looking for support for rescinding the decision.

Background: R107 is being closed down at the end of June, 2018. This is the location for the trap and skeet club at Camp Pendleton. Similarly the shotgun range in San Clemente was closed as it shot onto Camp Pendleton property with essentially no access for lead abatement down into the canyons. We need to group together and support these activities, or we all will be moving out of state to find a place to shoot.

Mike Jones

Long Range Director, Santa Margarita Gun Club
tel: 949-370-3152
fax: 949-429-5706

Signatures needed by 2018-04-07.

Download – Petition [PDF]