Santa Margarita Gun Club

October Long Range Match Report


Thank you again for attending the October Long Range matches, your support and participation is much appreciated.

As usual this weekend at R117 we experienced tricky wind conditions and with the added heat I think we all appreciated the drive home in the AC. A special thanks to Van and Duane for bringing extra waters for everyone. Saturday we had enough shooters to crown 3 victors, Gary Atkinson with a 568-12x, Martin Tardif with a 575-12x and Mark Roth taking top honors with a 578-20x. Congrats gents.
Sunday’s top 2 shooters were Gary Atkinson with a 579-14x and Martin Tardif with a hard fought 583-14x. Well done.

This weekend concludes the 2015 Long Range season, I apologize again for not being able to have more successful matches this year. We are working hard to have more scheduling clarity with the base but at the end of the day we are guests of the Marine Corps and ultimately we are at their mercy. 2016’s schedule should be completed by the end of next month, I hope to see everyone at R117 early next year.

Best Regards and stay safe!

Gary Fowler
Long Range Director
Santa Margarita Gun Club

The October 2015 Long Range match results are available in PDF on the Match Results page.