Santa Margarita Gun Club

December 3-4 (2016) Long Range Match Report

Thanks to all of those who came out this past weekend and thanks to Harry and his family filling in for our missing Marine pit pullers.

Well, if you weren’t with us on Saturday, you didn’t miss much but a lot of wind with very rapid changes. Scores suffered due to the wind. Duane was the high with a 577, need I say any more.

Sunday however, was a day for scoring and I am sure a couple of people who had other plans are kicking themselves right now (yes I am talking to Walter, Mark and Martin).

If one of use was going to shoot a clean Sunday would be one of the few days it could be done. I shot in essentially a no-wind condition for almost 30 minutes running several different loads through my 6.5X47 in my first string. High scores for the Day – Marc 591, Duane (F-Open) 582, Gary (FTR) 575.

Overall match winners:

  • Sling- Marc Mittry
  • F-Open – Duane Fitzgerald
  • FTR- Gary Atkinson

We have a match scheduled for January 7 and 8 at Range 117. We will be hosting some of the Wounded Warriors from Camp Pendleton on Saturday at the 3X1000. Sunday we will be shooting 800, 900, 1000 to accommodate those (particularly me) needing zeros for the Berger Southwest Nationals in February. We should be able to get some very good scores if the weather cooperates.

For those of you struggling at 1000 yards we are looking at how to manage a clinic to help everyone out. Harry has suggested a 800 yard match so that the 308s can be evaluated fairly and utilize the classroom at R116 to do the wind reading and reloading portions of the clinic. Stay tuned for further information.

Thanks to all of you for coming out and shooting with us. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy and Safe New Year!

Mike Jones
Long Range Director, SMGC