Santa Margarita Gun Club

Congratulations 2019 All Navy and Pac Fleet shooters

  • Gunnery Sergeant Wayne Gallagher (SMGC BOD Member)
    • 1st Overall – All Navy West Pistol Grand Aggregate
    • 2nd – Pac Fleet Pistol match
  • Jeffrey Lovat (GSM Director):
    • 8th – All Navy Rifle EIC, 17th
    • All Navy Rifle NMC #1
  • Hector Miro:
    • 2nd All Navy Rifle EIC
    • 10th All Navy Rifle NMC #1
  • Eric Villareal:
    • 13th All Navy Rifle NMC#1
  • Kevin Cooper
    • 3rd in Pac Fleet Rifle EIC
    • 4th in Pac Fleet Rifle Agg

Apologies to anyone missed but the site has not updated the scores. Great Shooting by our club members!