Santa Margarita Gun Club

Club Officer Positions

The Club is is immediate need of someone to take on the role of Treasurer. The job consists of balancing receipts for the Month, filing Taxes and generation of a January report to Base on expenditures, income and etc.

It should take about 2-3 hours per month and 2-4 hours for annual reporting.  Please consider stepping up for this vital role.

In addition, the Club will need a Member to step into the HP Directorship Harry will be vacating.  This would include coordinating the HP Program’s Mid-Range and XTC Matches.

If a volunteer cannot be found to replace Harry,  the High Power Program will have to be decommissioned until such time as someone steps forward.

Please consider either of there roles,  and we look forward to working with you to create the excellent programs we know we’re capable of holding

Many thanks, see you on the Range,

John Hermsen, President/CRSO