The 2016 January 30 Midrange Match Results are now available on the Match Results page in PDF by total score and by classification. Ladies and Gentlemen: We (SMGC) finished the January MR Match at approximately 1530 hours today and shortly…
2015-10-31 GSM Match Report
Our Oct 31 GSM shoot has come and gone and here are the results. Before I begin though I wish to publicly thank Paul G., David E., and John K., for arriving early Friday to get the targets and cans…
2015 Camp Pendleton Open – Match Director’s Bulletin #1
To the Competitors who will be firing in the 63rd Camp Pendleton OPEN Tournament the following clarifications are being made which will assist you in participation of this Tournament and are not part of the Official Tournament Program; Locations: As…
April Mid-Range Information
Hello Fellow High Power Shooters: This is a reminder that April’s Mid-Range Match will be a 300, 500, 600 yard format. SMGC is experimenting with this format since this is the Format used at the National Rifle Championships at Camp…
Volunteers Needed for the 2015 US Police and Fire Championships
Well, it’s that time of year again! The first day of Spring and only 70 days until the start of the United States Police & Fire Championships (USPFC). We are working hard to get the volunteers, RSO’s and medical staff…