Santa Margarita Gun Club

2019-04-21 Club Update

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our FRUSTRATIONS are finally coming to an END!!!!!!!!!

Whether you have only been a long time member of the gun club or a member for just a very short time, most of you do not understand everything the Board of Directors has done to get things up and running.  Allow me to remind you of our circumstances:

Our Licensing Agreement expired back in September of 2017, “YES 2017”.  We have been out of business since then even though we submitted to get the licensing squared away a year in ADVANCE of that date and yet here we are.  There are some factions aboard the base which have their sights on our club because they perceive the club to be a Civilian Club INSTEAD of a MILITARY CLUB which just happens to have Civilians inside of it. 

I have been a Military member of this club since the early 1980’s, and this is the biggest struggle I have seen in getting the club in operations in all my time.  Between struggles with several entities aboard the base, we have done the best we can to get our club up and running again  We thank you for helping us raise the revenue to get over one of the major hurdles we faced, but now we are very close to crossing the finish line.  Once the Licensing Agreement is finally signed, we will set the SMGC Calendar of Events to the traditional days of the month which each discipline can set their calendars to.

The club has scheduled and been approved to conduct a LONG RANGE Match on May 4th and a PRS Type Match on May 5th at Range 117A.  This was done because the assets which are necessary to conduct a match are already on location.  REGISTRATION for these events may be done by going to these sites:

May 4 – 1000 yards:

May 5 – Practical Precision Rifle:

Some of you may not be aware, but the Wilcox Range complex suffered damages due to the last flooding of the base and as of right now, the range complex is closed for operations and appears will not be funded to re-open and will be decommissioned.  This affects not only us, but also the Marine Corps as well, since they train over 7,000 Marines annually.  More information will be passed out at the above listed matches.

As a reminder to you all, EVERYONE of the club’s officers and BoD are Volunteers.  All civilians are guests of the U.S. Marine Corps to be on the base for any SMGC Events, so please keep this in mind.  All future Club events will get notifications via word of mouth along with the club’s website and on the club’s Facebook page.  We look forward to seeing you on the Range!