The 2017 World Police and Fire Games
The Santa Margarita Gun Club was proud to host the 2017 World Police and Fire Games on Wilcox Range 103, Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base. This amazing event host teams from all over the world in the true spirit of both camaraderie and competition. Competitors performed under the diverse conditions of the course and proudly brought victory home to may parts of the globe. We salute you all for your service and your achievements, the world is a better place for it! Please enjoy some candid photography of the games on Saturday and join me in thanking all those for responsible for putting on this top notch event. We salute you all!
World Police and Fire Games Awards
A complete list of the results can be found here: World Police & Fire Game Match Reuslts
A big thanks to John Kountz for photo of the awards ceremony of the second day of thw 2017 World Police and Fire Games! Enjoy!