Santa Margarita Gun Club

2017-09-26 – Letter from the SMGC VP and BoD

Hello fellow Santa Margarita Gun Club (SMGC) Members and High Power Rifle Competitors

I hope this finds you all doing well.

On behalf of the SMGC Board of Directors, I wanted to give all of you a brief update on the status of the club. SMGC’s license expires on Thursday, September 28, 2017. We are still in the process of renewing the license. With our current license expiring, we will not be able to conduct any matches/events aboard the base without a 90 day notice, and that will take us into January of 2018.

SMGC BoD is continuing our attempts to get the club back into full functioning and we are exploring all of our options at this time. I want to assure all of you that we have some great support from our Active Duty Marines and members who are working on our behalf at the base. In the meantime, SMGC is exploring the possibility of conducting some of our matches/events in the next few months. We will continue to keep you apprised of the club’s situation.

Thank You and Semper FI,

Harry D. Harrison
MGySgt, USMCR (Ret.)
SMGC Board of Directors
SMGC Vice President