Santa Margarita Gun Club

2015 August XTC and Midrange Results

The 2015 August XTC and Midrange results are now available for download in PDF on the Match Results page.

Congratulations to the high category winners:

  • Midrange High F-Class TR – Lee Davis, MCPO
  • Midrange High F-Class Open – Walter Lange
  • Midrange High Match Rifle – Harry Harrison
  • Midrange High Service Rifle – James Minturn, CPL, USMCR
  • Midrange High Senior – Jim Trevellyan
  • XTC High Match Rifle – Harry Harrison
  • XTC High Service Rifle – Jeff Lovat

The SMGC thanks all the competitors for coming out to the matches and the volunteers that helped to put on the 2015 August 29-30 events.