Santa Margarita Gun Club

06 – 07 August 2016 Long Range Match Report

We were able to conduct a Long Range Match this past weekend and were greeted by overcast and relatively cool temperatures for early August.

Thank you to Van Texas and Rich Elliott for Medic Services for the weekend, John Hermsen, Kamran Sadaghiani, and Jerry McDonough for RSO/OIC duties.

We had a good day on Saturday with moderate winds for R117. We had 4 enlisted Marines join us for shooting on Saturday.

Thanks to Rich Elliott, Mark Roth, Gary Atkinson, Kamran Sadaghiani and Duane Fitzgerald for bringing rifles and ammo for the Marines.

We also found all of the wind flag locations and had substantially improved coverage of the range on Saturday.

Sunday, 12 shooters showed up and with an additional flag added to the mix we were in fantastic shape. From here on, Gary and Duane should have us well covered on the flag locations. It seemed like the wind was a bit more shifty on Sunday. I started shooting in 2MOA left conditions, shot thru a series of boils and ended up the string in 2MOA right conditions. I know it got tougher from there based on the afternoon scores.

I think the outstanding performance for the weekend goes to Bill Tusch for shooting a 194-9 in his final string on Saturday in challenging conditions, everyone around was listening to Lee scoring him “another bleeping X”. Good shooting Bill!

Scores for the weekend:

  • Duane Fitzgerald 1116-18
  • Charlie Wallace 1112-20
  • Gary Atkinson 1112-13
  • Bill Baston 1112-11
  • Simon Wagner 1081-12
  • Kamran Sadaghiani 1058-8
  • Jerry McDonough 583-24
  • Mark Roth 582-14
  • Martin Tardif 581-17
  • Marc Mittry 576-20
  • William Tusch 558-14
  • Lee Davis 551-6
  • Janusz Dabrowski 539-3
  • Amante Tordil 511-14
  • Jonathan Ocab 511-2
  • James Jiao 505-2

See you all in September

Mike Jones.